Our Team

quangProfilePicture leylaProfilePicture coreyProfilePicture SamProfilePicture
Quang Nguyen

  1. I am from Vietnam.
  2. I graduated from UW with mechanical engineering degree.
  3. I like software development because I can contribute in creating product that other people use. Plus it is just fun.
  4. I want to learn Javascript because it is a widely adopted language for the web and it is very versatile.

Layla Li

  1. From China
  2. I got my master's degree in International Education And Development in UK and moved here to be a preschool teacher
  3. Now I am trying to be a software developer

Corey Chang

  • From Hawaii
  • Sushi chef for 11 plus years
  • Changing careers into tech
  • Sam Gnuschke

    1. From Texas
    2. I got my history degree with the goal of becoming a teacher
    3. Learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript